Carbohydrates, one of the body’s major sources of energy, found in foods such as rice and sweet seasonings, reveals health mechanisms, how to eat to easily gain weight, doctors answer doubts, is it good for your health to avoid carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are one of the five nutrient groups that the body should receive. Because they are a large source of energy for the body to use in activities and to drive the organ systems, brain, heart, respiratory system to work and survive. It is similar to energy from fat. Which is abundant in foods such as rice, seeds, fruits, vegetables, tubers, and sweet seasonings. In addition, almost all types of food production contain sugar, which comes from sugarcane or plant nectar. It can be said that we eat carbohydrates all the time and cannot avoid it. 1 gram of carbohydrates provides approximately 4 kcal of energy.
Is it true that eating a lot of carbohydrates makes you fat?
The principle of digesting carbohydrates for energy is that when the body receives carbohydrates in any form. Whether rice, sugar, flour, bread, fruit, vegetables, these carbohydrates are digested into smaller molecules. Becoming single-molecule sugars or glucose, and are absorbed into the bloodstream, distributed to various cells, and used as energy for various organ systems in the body.
The rest will then be transported to be stored in the liver and muscles, or what is called “glycogen”. The rest from being stored in the muscles and liver (glycogen), the rest from being stored will be converted by the liver to be stored as reserve energy in the form of fat. This fat will gradually accumulate under the skin and various internal organs. Therefore, we will gradually gain weight. Because do not forget that every time the body uses energy. The body will use energy from the food that is eaten first, then use glycogen energy. When both of these sources are depleted, it will then use accumulated fat, in that order.
The reason why carbohydrates are the cause of obesity is eating too much carbohydrates that are easily digested, such as white flour, bread, sugar, sweets, and soft drinks. These carbohydrates are carbohydrates that the body can easily absorb. When they are easily absorbed, there will be a lot of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream.
When there is such a lot of sugar, the body sends signals to the pancreas to increase insulin levels to lower blood sugar levels by accelerating the use of energy in the system, storing it as glycogen. But because there is a lot of glucose and the amount of muscle is limited. Or cannot be stored in time, it is stored in the form of fat instead. Which is easy to store and has no limitations.